Welcome to our Youth Services page!

The Spring Green Community Library offers a number of different exciting and educational programs for kids of all ages! From toddlers to teens, we strive to offer programs for a variety of interests and ages! The events we offer can be a perfect environment for kids to meet each other, make friends, and learn something new. And don't forget to check out some books when you stop by!
‣ Library Tours for Classes and Families:
Classes, school groups, and families are encouraged to contact us to schedule a tour of the library. The 20-25 minute tour includes a physical tour of the library, introduction to LINKcat (the online library catalog), an overview of the electronic and physical resources available at the library and through the South Central Library System, and an optional introduction to borrowing e-books and other digital materials through OverDrive. These tours are designed to help educate children on how to use their local library and search for materials they are interested in. Tours are available primarily from October through April during the library’s regular operating hours.
Businesses, churches, or any other organizations looking for tours designed for adults can contact the Library Director to schedule a tour.
‣ Other Notices for Parents:
1.) Getting A Library Card for Your Child: If your child lives in Sauk County, a parent or guardian will need to fill out the South Central Library System card application. Bring the completed application, along with photo ID and proof of current address (if your address on the ID is not current) to the Spring Green Community Library, where a library card will be issued.
If your child lives in Iowa or Richland County: These are a part of the Southwest Library System, as opposed to the South Central Library System which the Spring Green Community Library belongs to.
a.) If the child already has a Southwest Library System card (from Dodgeville, Lone Rock, or Richland Center), a parent or guardian will need to fill out a South Central Library System card application. Bring the completed SCLS application, the student's current Southwest Library System card, and a photo ID and proof of current address (if your address on the ID is not current) to the Spring Green Community Library. We will add our barcode sticker to Southwest Library System card.
b.) If the child does not already have a Southwest Library System card, a parent or guardian will need to fill out both the South Central Library System card application and the Southwest Library System card application. We can supply both at the Spring Green Community Library. Bring both completed applications along with photo ID and proof of current address (if your address on the ID is not current) to the Spring Green Community Library. We will issue a 'temporary' library card so that materials can be checked out. A Southwest Library Card will arrive later by mail at the address you provided. Bring the Southwest Library Card to the Spring Green Community Library. We will add our barcode sticker to the Southwest Library System card, and your 'temporary' card can be disposed of.
*For more particular information about our Juvenile Library Card policy, please head over to our policy page to learn more.
2.) On Adult Content: If you have concerns about what types of content your child has access to at the library, you can ask for a restriction note to be put on their card (or yours, if they use your card to check out). For example, you might ask for "No R-rated movies" to be added as a note to their account. In accordance with the American Library Association's Access for Children and Young Adults to Nonprint Materials, the Spring Green Community Library is not responsible for policing what content is checked out by child and teen patrons, unless otherwise specified by parents.
3.) Photo Release Policy: Children and adults participating in the Spring Green Community Library’s programs may be photographed by library staff members, newspaper or television reporters/photographers, or others involved with the program. These photographs may appear without compensation in newspapers or in productions, publications, on the web, or other printed or electronic materials related to the role and function of the Spring Green Community Library. Parents who do not want their children photographed should notify library staff as soon as possible.
Contact our Youth Services department with any further questions at 608-588-2276, or come into the library!
Kate Franzmann - Teen Services Librarian
alaird [at] springgreenlibrary.org (kfranzmann[at]springgreenlibrary[dot]org)
Emily Whitmore - Director
ewhitmore [at] springgreenlibrary.org (ewhitmore[at]springgreenlibrary[dot]org)