Friends of the Library

Friends logo




Who the Friends are

The Friends of the Spring Green Community Library is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization formed to enhance and improve library services to its community.

Their purpose

To support, improve, and enhance our library through programming, fundraising, volunteering, advocacy, and protecting the freedom to read.

What they provide

Things outside of the normal Library budget such as rotating audio books, bike racks, book carts, furniture, computers, special summer programs, program speakers, demonstrations, etc.

How the Friends generate funds

Membership dues, Community-Wide Garage Sales, December Book & Bake Sale, and ongoing sales of donated books in the Library's Lobby.

When the Friends collect used books

The Friends of the Spring Green Community Library accept donations of gently used books for resale at the library on the first Saturday of the month (with the exception of December) from 10 am to noon. Proceeds from the sales help support library programs and other amenities. Books smelling of mildew, damaged books, encyclopedias, textbooks or instruction manuals are not accepted. The Friends reserve the right to limit the quantity of items accepted and/or refuse donations that do not meet our needs.


Present Officers

President: Susan Jannotta

Vice President: Kathleen McDonald

Secretary: Judy Swartz Marcus

Treasurer: Peggy Radel

Library Liason: Emily Whitmore



Membership dues

Friends of the Library Membership form. Please return to the Library or send to:

Friends of the Spring Green Community Library
230 E Monroe Street
Spring Green, WI 53588

Best Friend: $500

Kindred Spirit: $100

Pal O'Mine: $50

Family: $25

Individual: $15

Senior: $10

Find the Friends group on Facebook

Thank You to everyone for your continued generous support!