When: Third Sat Morning, April 15, 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Where: Private location a mile north of Spring Green. Registration required. With registration, directions will be provided. (If the weather is really windy or thunderstorming, we will meet by video conference at: Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81953750081 Meeting ID: 819 5375 0081. This will NOT be a hybrid meeting of in person and video conference.
What: During this April session, we will meet around a wood campfire and explore body sensations, thoughts, emotions and feelings, while next to our long time, primal companion: fire.
Mindfulness: Mindfulness is paying attention to one’s thoughts, body sensations, emotions and surroundings without judgement. Mindfulness can be used for many reasons, from better physical health to better mental health to improved relationships with one’s self and others.
Our meetings will include discussions and short mindfulness exercises/practices. We will explore sitting, standing, lying down, and moving mindfulness experiences.
“Without judgement” is one of the main principles of mindfulness and we will incorporate non-judgmentalness into our time together. Everyone is welcome from beginners to the experienced. No judgements.
Check the Spring Green Library Calendar during spring, summer, and fall, we will try to be outside and in person, weather permitting. (If it is below 15F, windy or a thunderstorm, we will meet by video conference.) (Video conference link: Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81953750081 Meeting ID: 819 5375 0081)
Roger Reynolds: Roger was introduced to mindfulness in a course led by a psychiatrist and titled “Mindfulness for Depression.” Living with PTSD, depression and anxiety, Roger credits mindfulness as a foundation of his mental health healing. The focus will be on general mindfulness, knowing everyone can benefit from increased awareness. Roger’s mental health mindfulness foundation will come through in his leading, yet not be the primary focus.